Book Design


Paula Regossy

Soft cover novel by author Lynn Crawford. Collaboration with Rebecca Mazzei (Trinosophes) and Lynn Crawford. Cover art by Peter Williams. Published by Trinosophes.

Book Design

City Bird

Belle Isle to 8 Mile: An Insider's Guide to Detroit

Second edition of Belle Isle to 8 Mile, revised and expanded. Collaboration with City Bird. Original design by Angela Fortino. Cover design by Emily Linn. Published by City Bird.

Book Design


Shankus & Kitto: A Saga

Soft cover novel by author Lynn Crawford. Collaboration with Maia Asshaq (DittoDitto) and Lynn Crawford. Cover art by Matt Zacharias. Published by DittoDitto.

Book Design

Ridgeway Press

Purged: The Art of Metamorphosis

Hardcover literary nonfiction by artist Nancy J. Rodwan. Produced as a companion to the Purged exhibition, spring 2018. Featuring original contributions by writers Maia Asshaq, Terry Blackhawk, Andrea Daniel, and Bill Harris. Published by Ridgeway Press.

Book Design

Powerhouse Productions

Rhymes of the Tree

A composition, anthology and collection on Bangla rhymes and song with english translation and transliteration. Collaboration with Maia Asshaq (DittoDitto), Bangla School of Music, Nazmul Anwar, Gina Reichert and Liza Bielby. Artwork by Kathy Leisen and Hannah Jones. Published by Power House Productions.

Book Design


LA from Detroit

DittoDitto’s second publication entitled LA from Detroit, featuring new work by Chris Turner. Collaboration with Maia Asshaq (DittoDitto).

Book Design

InsideOut Literary Arts

Various Titles

Books designed as a volunteer for InsideOut Literary Arts, which published the poetry and artwork of Detroit students.

Sage Songs, Chrysler Elementary School, 2016.

The Journeys We Take, Communication and Media Arts High School, 2014.

Open a World of Poetry, Bagley Elementary School, 2011.

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